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A JWST image of the supernova death of a star in the early universe that would have seeded surrounding galaxies with the building blocks for the next generation of stars

A JWST image of the supernova death of a star in the early universe that would have seeded surrounding galaxies with the building blocks for the next generation of stars

A JWST image of the supernova death of a star in the early universe that would have seeded surrounding galaxies with the building blocks for the next generation of stars

Sustainable fashion gets a tech upgrade with MIT’s shape-shifting dress

Sustainable fashion gets a tech upgrade with MIT’s shape-shifting dress

Sustainable fashion gets a tech upgrade with MIT’s shape-shifting dress

A record breaking NASA astronaut is about to return to Earth

A record breaking NASA astronaut is about to return to Earth

美国宇航局宇航员弗兰克·鲁比奥目前是美国单次太空飞行最长记录的保持者,他计划于 9 月 27 日星期三离开国际空间站返回地球。该机构将提供从舱口关闭到着陆的全程报道。

Chandra reviews the story of the Great Volcano eruption in the 1840s

Chandra reviews the story of the Great Volcano eruption in the 1840s

正如我们最新新闻稿 中所述, 一部根据美国宇航局钱德拉 X 射线天文台二十多年数据制作的新电影 展示了一个著名的恒星系统随时间变化的情况。海山二包含两颗大质量 恒星 (一颗质量约为 太阳质量 的 90 倍,另一颗据信质量约为太阳质量的 30 倍)。

Historic wind tunnel facility testing NASA's Mars ascent rocket

Historic wind tunnel facility testing NASA's Mars ascent rocket

马歇尔风洞的测试部分只有24英寸长、14英寸高和宽。然而,它可以实现高达 5 马赫(约 3,800 英里/小时)的超音速,并且拥有测试标志性火箭的悠久历史,包括红石、木星-C 和土星,以及航天飞机和 SLS(太空发射系统)设计。

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft arrives in Houston

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft arrives in Houston

美国第一个小行星样本于 9 月 24 日由 OSIRIS-REx 航天器运送到地球,现已抵达位于休斯敦的 NASA 约翰逊航天中心的永久所在地,该样本将在那里得到照顾、储存并分发给世界各地的科学家。

Hubble Telescope Examines Neighbors of the Milky Way Galaxy

Hubble Telescope Examines Neighbors of the Milky Way Galaxy


NASA Weber has identified the earliest stock line of the Space Network

NASA Weber has identified the earliest stock line of the Space Network


Science in Spacesuits

Science in Spacesuits


Hubble observed a beautiful glowing galaxy

Hubble observed a beautiful glowing galaxy


New research from Uranus's major satellite suggests that water may accumulate in April

New research from Uranus's major satellite suggests that water may accumulate in April

天王星大卫星的新研究表明 4 月可能会存水






当宇航员在阿尔忒弥斯任务期间探索月球的南极地区时,他们将能够比以往任何时候都走得更远,开展更多的科学活动,这要归功于新的月球地形车 (LTV)。NASA 计划将其作为工业服务承包,而不是拥有这辆车。



宇宙飞船 | 载人飞船是目前最小的一种载人航天器

宇宙飞船 | 载人飞船是目前最小的一种载人航天器


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